How China's 22% Vacancy Rate Affects US Real Estate, Unique Properties Insight, Single Women Homeowner Trend

How China's 22% Vacancy Rate Affects US Real Estate

Real Estate Tip:

Unique properties are often harder to sell because they generate lower demand and appeal to a smaller percentage of potential buyers

Real Estate Insight:

Single women own 70,000 more homes in metro areas than single men

2019 Real Estate Forecast, The Importance Of Neighborhood Consistency, Home Purchase Contracts Fall

2019 Real Estate Forecast

Real Estate Tip:

Buy property that is consistent with other property in the neighborhood. It's smarter to buyer the cheapest rather than the most expensive house in an acceptable neighborhood-this increases the odds that your property value will increase and often makes it easier for you to sell.

Real Estate Insight:

The number of home purchase contracts in November declined by 3% compared to the same month the previous year

3 Year End Real Estate Tips, Water Heater Maintenance Tip, Do Homeowners Still Want Garage Space?

3 Year End Real Estate Tips

Real Estate Tip:

Flush your water heaters to control the buildup of mineral deposits--this will resulting in a more efficient heater and a lower bill!

Real Estate Insight:

Single family home owners still want garage space-of the 795,000 single-family homes completed last year, 65% had two-car garages, 6% had one-car garages, while only 7% had no garages