3 Landlord Myths Debunked-Holiday Edition, The Awesome Power Of Offers, Homeowner Turnover Trend

3 Landlord Myths Debunked-Holiday Edition

Real Estate Tip:

If you want real estate deals, you must make offers, it's that simple--no offers, no deals.

Real Estate Insight:

Homeowners are staying put longer than ever before-median tenure for home-ownership has jumped to 10 years, up 10% from last year

How Does Investor Loan Drop Affect Real Estate?, How To Prevent Frozen Pipes In Winter, Developer Permits Drop

How Does Investor Loan Drop Affect Real Estate?

Real Estate Tip:

In winter, turning water on so that it keeps running through the pipes in a home can prevent them from freezing. The constant flow of water will help avert water freezing in the pipe. You can also open cabinet doors under kitchen or bathroom faucets to bring more heat from the home to warm up the pipes.

Real Estate Insight:

Developers have been taking out fewer permits to build apartment buildings