Voting Is The Beating Heart Of Democracy, Rule Of 72s, Newark Expanding Where?


Voting Is The Beating Heart Of Democracy

Real Estate Tip: Rule of 72s:

You can quickly calculate the number of years it will take for your real estate investment to double in value by dividing the annual % growth rate by 72: # years to double in value = 72/Rate of Growth.  

For example: 

At an 8% annual growth rate, your real estate investment will double in about 9 years (72/8=9)

At an 12% annual growth rate, your real estate investment will double in about 6 years (72/12=6)

At an 24% annual growth rate, your real estate investment will double in about 3 years (72/24=3)

Real Estate Insight:

Newark recently began expansion of Riverfront Park along the Passaic River.